An ancient story

The Agriturismo Al Lambic’s story is that of Alessandro’s and his mother’ family’s story, Family Bettanini, the owner of the buildings and the fields’ all around it for five generations.

Thanks to the great energy, intuition and entrepreneurial skills of Filippo Bettanini, the family farm saw its most flourishing years in the second half of the nineteenth century.

At the time the family home was the centre of a large and thriving farm with a very rich and varied production that included maize, wheat, potatoes, beans, fruit, timber, fodder for cattle breeding and finally, silkworms bred by the women of the household, ensuring extra income for the family. From marc, the refuse of grapes after winemaking, the family Bettanini started distilling the Grappa that later, in Thirties’, Gabriele D’Annunzio – the famous poet- named “Rugiada delle Alpi” (morning dew).

In the middle of the 20th Century, in the plains farming became mechanic and mountain farming became economically unsustainable. During the Fifties and Sixties, in Tignale began a period of deep crisis: people gave up farming and a lot of them emigrated. Sad family events combined with the crisis of the mountain agricultural economy also forced the Bettanini family to abandon the countryside to start different activities, far from Tignale. Aunt Adriana, the last born and faithful guardian of the family’s places and memories, remained to live in the manor house of Prabione.

The Agritourism Company today

Alessandro was born in Tignale, he studied engineering and he worked for a very long time as a manager in some important international Companies. In 2006 he decided to give up his previous job and come back to Tignale to restore the Family’s properties. Together with his wife Barbara, he began to transform the farm’s buildings into location suitable to host guests and he re-started the old farm’s activity using modern methods and criteria.

After more than fifteen years, the results are clearly visible: the complete recovery of the “Casa Padronale“, the “Cà de Sura” and the “Cà de Deter“, the valorisation of the large outdoor spaces with the park and the olive grove, the continuation of the tradition of distilling Grappa “Rugiada delle Alpi”. All this, together with the constant recognition from the guests, stimulates Alessandro and Barbara to continuously improve to make the structure increasingly cutting-edge in the tourist offer and to make the Agriturismo Al Lambic an unforgettable place for quality and hospitality.

History and tradition continue

Under the large vaulted ceilings of the basement of the manor house, there is still the ancient wood-fired direct fire still, an authentic “family jewel” and unique in its genre.

The Bettanini Virdia family has been renewing the tradition of distilling Grappa “Rugiada delle Alpi” every year for four generations, using the same expert methods of the past.


A place full of opportunities

A few hundred meters away from the Agriturismo there are the Visitor Center of the Alto Garda Park (300m), the children’s playground and the small grass football pitch (100m), the municipal swimming pool open from June to August (300m – free entrance for the Agriturismo’s guests), the “Flying Frogs” adventure park (400m).

Located in an area full of paths, suitable for both trekking and mountain biking, the Agriturismo Al Lambic also offers many opportunities for cultural activities: the Multimedia Center Museum, the Naturalistic Observatory, the Sanctuary of Montecastello (with its ancient frescoes of the Giotto school and its incredible panoramic view of the lake) can be reached in a few minutes’ walk from the farmhouse.


Info and comforts


Pets Allowed

Free Wi-Fi

Children playground

Swimming pool and whirlpool

Electric car charging

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